Unfortunately there hasn't been too much progress. Whereas we were originally just going to replace what was visible as far as plumbing in the bathroom, everytime we do one thing, something else comes up that needs to be replaced. The joys of an old house. So Michael has spent the last couple of weeks replacing almost all of the plumbing in the house, and running a new line to the water main - which is all the way at the front of our .78 acre yard. Here are a couple of photos of Michael's work - it looks like a mutant groundhog came through the yard - and Michael's plumbing progress in the bathroom!
We both took some time off (me from studying & Michael from the house) to celebrate our second anniversary. We went up to Louisville for the night and had an awesome dinner at a local restaurant called 610 Magnolia. It was supposed to be the best in Louisville - it was really fabulous, and the service was excellent.
Only 19 days left until the bar exam, and then hopefully Michael and I can really make some progress working together. It would be great if we could have the bathroom done by the end of the month and finally move in! Oh, and our tub fixtures came in and they look awesome - now if we could only decide on the sink faucets, who knew it could be so hard!
Thanks for stoping by Trinkets and good luck with your exam. House renos. take so much time. All the best.
I realize the pics are supposed to be about plumbing - but I just could not help noticing how great your yard is. Love the trees!
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